Slaying the Meligoth

My wife and I joke that every day, I go out to do battle against an imaginary giant of epic proportions. We call this hydra-headed monster the Meligoth. Some days, the Meligoth only manages to give me a flat tire. Or it may attack in full force as my biggest clients and key employees all threaten to leave the company at once. But on other days, I’m the one who wins, as I successfully regroup, expand, innovate, and outwit this relentless foe. Maybe I make a great telecommunications coup, or just catch only green lights on my way home from work. The main point is, the Meligoth never gives up. And he never goes away. He thrives on our fears and is always ready to slap us down if we rise too far. It is the Meligoth who eventually beats down the overwhelming majority of people, making them give up their dreams and settle for the ordinary.

There is only one way to beat the Meligoth. Be as relentless as he is. Never give up. Keep coming back even when any normal person would quit. You may be going in a direction no one’s ever gone in, or trying things that have never been done before. People will tell you you’ll lose, but you can not only overcome but completely overpower the Meligoth. That’s why, with true respect for this most worthy adversary, and in solidarity with all those who refuse to give up on their dreams in the face of the most overwhelming odds, I go out to do battle, to slay the Meligoth, every day.